Check out the pictures from the rides and events for this week.
10th May 2022
Lime Leaf Ride
The In Any S*#t Weather riders were out again in very small numbers (3) with a ride that took them to the Lime Leaf Cafe at Helensburgh via Mt. Keira.
12th May 2022
There was no ride today!
14th May 2022
Menangle Ride
A good turnout for the ride to the Menangle Cafe and Post Office This is always a good ride made even better with the Douglas Park Causeway open after all the rain. Roads were a bit iffy but that was not an issue.

15th May 2022
Cruiser Ride to Shellharbour
Good to see new and old faces on this ride lead by our very own Welfare Officer Sniper. And of course Dakar had to have a twisty ride home! A few more photos would have been good folks!