28th June 2022
Line Leaf Cafe Ride

Today’s Tuesday ride, led by Les Chandler to the Lime Leaf Cafe. 6 with 5 riders. Great to see guys and supporting one of our sponsors as well
No more photos from this ride
29th June 2022

Just when Norm thought Wednesday Bangor Bash was waning and was thinking of cancelling it, he gets 22 members turning up for a chat, lunch and a few beers. Looks like it will be on for some time, well done chaps.
30th June 2022
Marulan Ride

The EOFY ride was meant to be to the Loaded Dog hotel in Tarago but we didn’t make it today as the ride leader had a loss of air at the morning tea break at Robertson Pie Shop (I assume it was a tyre and not the actual ride leader losing air!? Editor). With time lost we had to revise our destination and decided on the Marulan Pub instead. 7 riders and our Lesley 350 klms and home at 3.30pm. All Good.