16th July 2022
Nepean Dam BBQ Ride

A great turn-out for the BBQ ride led by Jimmy. The weather was good, the friendship was excellent and the food was top notch! You have to love the dam rides of Jimmy’s.
19th July 2022
Cordeaux Heights Ride

A cold day saw only a small group doing the ride to Cordeaux Heights cafe. Rain threatened but by the looks of the ground it stayed dry.
19th July 2022
Ride with South Coast Branch

Bob H and Craig C managed to get a ride in today with the South Coast Branch to Nelligen for a BBQ. No rain to speak of but bloody cold with my thermometer on the bike was not getting past 12.5C at any point! A bit of warmth and some sunshine would have been nice but a good bunch of blokes and good snag sangas.
No Further photos for this ride.