25th Mar 2024: Glens Bakery Café, The Oaks
Gorilla, the Club’s Ride Captain volunteered to lead the ride with the scribe to be elected at the morno’s stop. I’d already guesstimated the outcome based on past experiences -…
Gorilla, the Club’s Ride Captain volunteered to lead the ride with the scribe to be elected at the morno’s stop. I’d already guesstimated the outcome based on past experiences -…
Today was to be Rob Lord’s (Seagull) ride to Windsor but due to a trip to Sutherland Hospital to get some rewiring down he unfortunately couldn’t make it so I…
Another Thursday ride rolls around again, as per our Ride Calander it’s my turn to lead, I’d already sent Keith Moyle my Thursday ride destinations covering the next few months,…
When I arrived at Heathcote for today’s meet & greet, there already waiting was Owen and Lesley (the Smifs) along with Paul Sargeant, and a little further down, was new…