11th January 2025: Bulli
"Veni, vidi, vici" - The Roman Emperor Ceasar's famous words: I came (to the meeting point), I saw (that no one else was there), I conquered (the weather/forecast). As usual,…
"Veni, vidi, vici" - The Roman Emperor Ceasar's famous words: I came (to the meeting point), I saw (that no one else was there), I conquered (the weather/forecast). As usual,…
The damp roads put a bit of a dampener on today's turn up, but 3 riders made the effort. The sunny conditions were hard to bare, but we endured it,…
With a predicted temp of mid-30s, it did not deter Perry, Doc, Vic, Russel, Bob, and Whispers from a ride. Anywhere along the coast was rejected because of holiday crowds,…
I made the mistake on Wednesady night of enquiring as to who was riding on Thursday. I turned up for the ride and guess who the ride leader was? Yes,…