The year commenced musically with a 4 day ride to Parkes for the Elvis Festival, followed a fortnight later by a long weekend ride to the Tamworth Country Music Festival. Later in January we were saddened by the passing of our friend Gunter Namowitz, an inaugural member of our branch.
The 2011 branch AGM was held on 14 February. Paul Rees was elected President, Jim Richardson Secretary, Lew Schulz Quartermaster (formerly Vice President) and Gary and Margaret Navas once again took on the roles of Publicity Officer and Webmaster and Social Secretary. Treasurer was initially vacant, but Gordon Scales was later appointed to the position. Ride Captain remained vacant, with Craig Bernie volunteering to assist in getting the ride calendar started.
A highlight of our February branch AGM was the presentation of the Telemachus Medal to Gary Navas in recognition of his outstanding service to our branch.
February also saw another ride to Tasmania again led by Paul Rees. This time fifteen participants took part in the 15 day ride.
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In late March a number of members attended the Ulysses AGM in Newcastle. This was followed by a four-day ride to Tamworth and Orange over Easter.
Jeff Conway volunteered to serve as Ride Captain for three months at the end of the year, but for most of 2011 the position was vacant. Despite this, there were nearly a hundred day-rides offered. Other overnight or weekend rides included Bendemeer in June, Gunning in July and the Snowy Mountains in November.
Several new ride leaders put up their hands in 2011 – a very pleasing development.
In September we lost valued member Ron Moore who suffered a fatal heart attack. His family appreciated the many branch members who provided an escort and guard of honour at his funeral. Breakfast Torque was held on 30th October with Paul Rees leading many of our branch members in the organization and running of this premier motorcycle safety event. This was followed by the popular Long Thursday Ride led by Garry and Leonie Palmer in late November. This nine-day ride to the Great Ocean Road was a great success, although snorkels were mandatory on several days.
Other well received social activities in 2011 included Christmas in July at Jamberoo, a Trivia Night in May and the annual Christmas Party at the Tradies in December. As always, the social aspect of Ulysses membership was enjoyed every bit as much as the motorcycling.
The 2012 branch AGM was held on 14th February. Most positions were filled unopposed with Paul Rees continuing as President, Jim Richardson as Secretary, Lew Schulz as Quartermaster, Gary Navas as Publicity Officer and Web Master, Margaret Navas as Social Secretary, Ken Irvine as Ride Captain and Perry Veltmeyer as Welfare Officer. Janelle Haffenden was appointed as Treasurer shortly thereafter.
In March a number of members participated in the Mildura AGM and in May we again participated in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life fundraiser. Several other charity and community events were supported by members throughout the year – including the Oatley Festival.
In July the Branch made a donation of $750 to UCARF following a similar donation made to the national Ulysses charity two years ago.
To avoid increasing costs and looking for better service our branch social meetings were moved to Taren Point Bowling Club in May. This move proved very popular with a number of members choosing to dine at the club before the meeting and an increased attendance immediately noticed.
Guest speakers were provided at several meetings.
Members who ride regularly were spoiled for choice in 2012 with over one hundred day-rides and many new longer rides on offer. We had rides to suit all tastes, including scooter rides, mystery rides, coffee rides, night rides and dinner rides. Numbers on the Thursday rides often exceeded 20.
Several new ride leaders emerged, earning their newly-introduced ride leader patches and enjoying the experience.
Members who participated in 3 or more days of a long ride away were awarded ride patches.
Overnight or weekend rides in 2012 included Parkes in January, Tumut in February, Tarago in April, Braidwood Rodeo also in April, Lovedale Long Lunch in May, Temora Aviation Museum in June and Cessnock in July. Fifteen members also enjoyed the 8-day Forever Young ride around Northern NSW led by Alan Young and Meryl Warton in September.
The year ended with Garry and Leonie Palmer’s ever-popular Long Thursday Ride which went to Whyalla in South Australia.
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Breakfast Torque, held in conjunction with A Hard Ride, was again a big success on 28th October thanks to the work of Paul Rees, Janelle Haffenden and many supporters from our branch.
Social events in 2012 included Christmas in July at Jamberoo, a Trivia Night in August and the Branch Christmas Party at Taren Point on 15th December. The monthly branch meetings also served as popular social occasions with the new venue proving to be particularly inviting.
January kicked off with Peter Monk leading members on a relaxing 3-day ride to Jenolan Caves. Then in February first time ride-leader Peter Simpson took a group to Canberra for the weekend to the National Art Gallery for a Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition.
The 2013 branch AGM was held on the 11th of February. Elected committee members were: Garry Palmer President , Neil Roderick Secretary, Peter Simpson Treasurer, Lew Schulz Quartermaster , Ken Irvine Ride Captain, Gary Navas Publicity Officer and Webmaster, Margaret Navas Social Secretary and Perry Veltmeyer as Welfare Officer.
A notable highlight in mid-February was our first branch ride overseas – a New Zealand trip organized and led by Paul Rees. Thirteen members enjoyed superb riding around the South Island.
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In April a number of members participated in the Maryborough AGM in Queensland. In May we again participated in the Cancer Council’s Relay for life fundraiser. Several other charity and Community events were supported by members throughout the year, including the Oatley Festival, Pink Ribbon Ride and our annual Christmas ride for disadvantaged children.
Monthly meetings continued at the popular Taren Point Bowling Club. Attendances were well up, averaging between 80-100, largely in response to the new committee’s efforts to welcome more women to our meetings and to provide a more entertaining meeting format. Guest speakers and auctions were also provided at most meetings.
A huge variety of rides (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday) were on offer throughout the year. Again in 2013 several new ride leaders emerged, earning their ride leader patches and enjoying the experience.
Other overnight and weekend rides in 2013 included Mudgee in April and the Lovedale Long Lunch in May. Rob Lord led a happy group on his Lord Help Us Ride to Victoria in September while Garry and Leonie Palmer led a larger group on the Long Thursday Ride through the Snowy Mountains in November.
We also gained many new members during the year but sadly, popular members Alan Russell and Denis Fry passed away. A large number of members attended their funerals and provided escorts and guards of honour.
Members, partners and guests enjoyed many social events in 2013, including a Trivia Night in August and the Branch Christmas Party at Taren Point in December.
The 2014 branch AGM was held on the 10th of February. Rob Lord was elected unopposed as the new President. The other committee members elected were Secretary Neil Roderick, Treasurer Peter Simpson, Quartermaster Lew Schulz, Social Secretary Margaret Navas, Publicity Officer and Web Master Gary Navas, and Ride Captain Ken Irvine.
February saw our second trip to New Zealand again organized and led by Paul Rees. This time twelve members enjoyed a spectacular ride around the North Island.
On March 3 2014 Ulysses INC held the first Special General Meeting and in May ten of our members travelled to Alice Springs to participate in the national AGM. Also in May we again participated in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life fundraiser.
Other charity and community events were supported by members throughout the year, including the Oatley Festival, Pink Ribbon Ride and our Christmas ride for the kids.
The branch also strongly supported Peter Monk in fundraising for his participation on the Black Dog Ride around Australia in July/August 2014.
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Initiatives introduced by the new committee this year included a day-long first aid course attended by 28 members and Quartermaster Lew Schulz introduced a three-monthly Blood Donor’s Ride to the Blood Bank at Gymea that has become a very well attended and enjoyable ride.
A huge variety of rides were on offer throughout the year, with several choices each week. In October we celebrated our Branch’s 14th year anniversary with a ride and BBQ at Fitzroy Falls. Again in 2014 we had many eager new ride leaders step forward, earning their Ride Leader Patches as well as our thanks. Other overnight and weekend rides in 2014 included Dubbo Zoo in March, Dungog in May, Coffs Capers in July and Newcastle in August.
Alan and Meryl Young led the popular week-long Forever Young Ride to Victoria in April while Garry and Leonie Palmer led the enjoyable 9-day Long Thursday to the Darling Downs in Southern Qld in September.
Another new activity for 2014 was the overnight camp ride to Bonnie Vale in the Royal National Park that November – a great ride with lots of fun and events such as egg and spoon races with Jim (Clancy) Richardson as the Camp Master.
Perry Veltmeyer completed another year as Welfare Officer in 2014 and was also invited to attend committee meetings.
Our good friend and branch member David Mapp passed away this year. Members provided the customary escort and guard of honour at his funeral.
January was a month of getting back into group rides after enjoying the Christmas and New Year break, but we still had energy to celebrate Australia Day at the Woronora RSL.
February saw the branch hold its AGM and a change in committee make up following the decision by a few long-standing members not to stand and to take a well-earned break after making significant contributions to the Branch. Standing down from the committee were Neil Roderick, Gary and Margaret Navas and Perry Veltmeyer. Because of the strength of the branch other members were prepared to step up and do their bit and the following members were elected: Rob Lord President, Keith Moyle Secretary, Peter Simpson Treasurer, Lew Schulz Quartermaster, Peter Monk Ride Captain, Jim Allison Publicity Officer, Chris Larmer Webmaster, Norm Syme Welfare Officer and Kim Snee Social Secretary.
Throughout the year members had a wide variety of day rides to choose from with Tuesday Coffee rides, Thursday rides alternating between short coffee rides and longer lunch trips and either a Saturday or Sunday ride – all being well patronised.
In addition to these standard rides we had plenty of special rides throughout the year. In March the branch had a significant representation at the club’s AGM which was held in Wodonga with many, members spending some extra time to enjoy the excellent rides through the countryside. April saw Mark Brett lead a ride to the Temora Air Show which was great fun.
Lap of the Map.
After much planning the 1st June saw an intrepid group head off on the Lap of Australia. The initial group of riders met up in Berowra before setting off. (L-R below), Craig Carfoot, Rob Lord, Phil Morris, Keith Barker, Lew Schulz, Peter Simpson, Mohammad (driving), Keith Moyle, Peter Monk (on his second Lap of the Map) Neil Roderick and Mark Price with Ron Walker joining us in Musselbrook and Chris Dungate meeting the pack in Tamworth.
Keith Barker and Peter Simpson rode with the pack up to Townsville leaving us there to continue up to Cairns. Keith Moyle and Mark Price road with us until Cloncurry where they left the pack to complete the Aussie Hard Arse Challenge all the way back home to Sydney (1600k’s in less than 48 hours). Great effort!
Many of us met up with our significant other in Broome WA with Anna Marie Morris riding pillion with Phil from that point. Mohammad drove his van to Broome WA at which point he left the group for a solo drive back to home base.
On the return leg of the Journey we had a number of members join us in Port Augusta, South Australia, Sale, Victoria, Eden, NSW and for the final leg in Ulladulla, NSW.
After 42 days and approximately 17,000 Kms of riding we all agree that it was an adventure of a lifetime.
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