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Inter Branch Ride: Sat 6 July 2024

Our branch is hosting the next Sydney Basin inter branch ride. We will be meeting at Sublime Point lookout on the Old Princes Highway (travel south on the M1 and take the Helensburgh exit, turn right at the roundabout and follow the highway for 15 klms to the Lookout) for a ride departure time of 11.00 am.
We will be taking our fellow Ulysses members on some favourite roads through Avondale, Marshall Mount, Jamberoo, Saddleback Mountain, Swamp Road, Mount Kembla and then Appin Road to Cataract Dam where we will be hosting a Greek BBQ.
Unlike the previous rides to Grey Gum our ride will not be a straight ride and there will be a need for plenty of our members to assist as corner markers. If you can’t ride our chef, President Bill will need help with the food etc and collection of donations for the lunch/ drinks. Partners are very welcome (and encouraged) to assist with the BBQ. And helpers are sure to pick up some Greek culinary skills.
It would be good to see some of our Southern members join us (Craig can you mention it to the Illawarra branch).
Can you please let me know by text if you can make the ride or if you or your partner can assist with the BBQ.
Any questions please give me a call.
It will be a great day.