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7th Dec 2023: Nowra, Kangaroo Valley & Camberwarra

7th Dec 2023: Nowra, Kangaroo Valley & Camberwarra
7th Dec 2023: Nowra, Kangaroo Valley & Camberwarra

A total of 10 Riders met up at Ampol Heathcote @ 09:00.

As elected Rides Leader (by myself), I decided an easy relaxed Ride:

Down to R.N.P. (Haven’t been there for a while with Road closures etc.), back onto the Highway, down to Mount Ousley, and turning off at Fowlers Road, Marshall Mountain & through Albion Park, past Blue Jays Café (Actually quite a good Café ) – but no stopping, to Jamberoo Showground – Toilet facilities, easy walk to Pie Shop and resting place,. Etc..

7th Dec 2023: Nowra, Kangaroo Valley & Camberwarra
7th Dec 2023: Nowra, Kangaroo Valley & Camberwarra

From here it is back to Nowra & the Jamberoo Pass, held up by a few slow cars & Trucks, and to Mount Cambewarra – ”Shiet – major Road closures & Slides???” Don’t even think about going up there – Roads are closed & traffic horrendous.. and onto & past Fitzroy Fals l & to the Pearson Lane, and eventually to The Sunrise Bakery at Robertson – Good Pies (well to most), and decision was to go back down the Mac Pass – quicker, and easier than back to Jamberoo Pass. General Consensus: was we all had a good Ride, enjoyed one another’s company, and all made it home safe & sound.

All survived, and had a great Ride,

Thanks Guys,

We always need Leaders & Followers – for obvious reasons. We enjoy the commandership, sledging, laughs etc…

Be Part of the Action…..


Peter Monk

Craig Bernie (Flash) and Jim Sutherland (Postie Jim) were ceremoniously presented with their Nickname Plates
Craig Bernie (Flash) and Jim Sutherland (Postie Jim) were ceremoniously presented with their Nickname Plates


When we finished morning tea at Jamberoo, Craig Bernie (Flash) and Jim Sutherland (Postie Jim) were ceremoniously presented with their nickname plates by our ride leader, Monkey.


Chopper, Captain, Shrek and Whispers Nickname Plates.
Chopper, Captain, Shrek and Whispers Nickname Plates.

Then a few more presented at our monthly meeting:
Chopper, Captain, Shrek and Whispers.