Click an event listing to view details &/or save to your own calendar.
The ride calendar is set at ride roster meetings throughout the year and all members, and any prospective members are welcome to attend these. Volunteering to lead a ride is encouraged because rides and riding are what our Branch is all about.
Please keep an eye on the ride calendar, as times and information may change. If in doubt, call the Ride Leader in the calendar entry.
If you find any inaccuracies, please inform the Ride Captain.
If you have a Google Account, you can add our calendar to your own Google calendar. See instructions here.
If you do not have a Google account, simply save the bookmark to your computer browser: https//:googlecalendar-link-click here
Alternately if using a mobile phone view instructions to add our Google Calendar via an app for Android & Apple.
Our Rides
- We have rides on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & weekends, weather permitting (or sometimes when it’s not!).
- We have numerous overnight and away rides throughout the year which have always been terrific.
- When there is no planned ride then it will appear as a ‘Meet and Greet’ ride on the calendar. These rides have a leader assigned and a destination agreed on the day and can be long or short.
- Departure points: Rides normally start from the South bound Ampol service station, Heathcote departing at 0900 hrs BUT some of the planned destinations will see the group leave from a different departure point so always check the calendar.