There was rain just south of Sydney this morning going by the radar, with little expected, and a light mist of the wet stuff around as I made my way to the meeting point at Heathcote, The Bus was already there waiting, then Al rolled in on his Harley, followed by Big Al on his Himalayan and a few minutes later Magellan (Steve Smith, our web master) made a rare appearance, he needed to clear the cob webs out of his exhaust pipes.

Thirlmere was decided upon, as Big Al said their was a early European bike group meeting there today, and of course, Big Al knows and rides with them, so Big Al led us out. As we headed down the OPH, it was on and off light rain, getting heavier as we approached Bulli, as we turned onto Appin Rd, to get away from the coast, Steve Smith turned around for home, the rest of us continued west, in ever worsening conditions, and just when my undies were starting to feel cold and wet, about 5 km along Appin Rd, it stopped, and sunny, humid conditions were the order for the remainder of the day.

We then travelled via Broughton Pass, Douglas Park, Menangle Rd, and back into Picton before arriving at Loop Line Pies at Thirlmere, Big Al was in his element, with all the beautiful old Ducati’s and quite a few old Moto Guzzi’s amongst others, all parked out in the street.

We had our coffee and snacks, I had a good look at some of the historical relics in the street, before 3 of us headed for home (Big Al couldn’t be dagged away) via Hilltop, the Y towns, the freeway to Picton Rd, waving goodbye to the Bus, who lives out Dural way now, leaving a Harley and BMW to compete the run via Appin rd and home. Great ride guys, and I saw a few Moto Guzzi’s I hadn’t seen before.
The Colonel