With a forecast of 40 degrees plus it was commonsense that dictated a decision to travel by car to Nowra from Heathcote, although Gerry with a shorter distance to travel opted to ride in the heat.
A bit of car pooling saw us head down the highway directly to Nowra where we found a Coffee Shop/Bakery not far from the Council Buildings where the Workshop was to be held. Bahney, being the coffee afficionado that he is, wasn’t so impressed with the coffee served, but we all needed a break , and Monkey joined us a short time later.

The Workshop was set up in a training room setting with video & audio equipment, and started on time at 11am. There were 22 attendees with our group of 9 members mostly wearing Club Shirts.
When I suggested we attend this Workshop I thought we might get some of the less experienced riders or new members, however those attending were for the most part the experienced regular riders that ride on our weekly club rides.
There were 3 presenters covering different aspects of road safety, cornering , group riding and the common errors that we all have made at sometime or other.
From conversations on the trip home I think everybody gained something from the workshop. It was free, food & coffee were supplied and all in all well worth the trip.
There will be more workshops in 2024 at Parramatta and other venues so keep an eye out and see if you can get to the next one, definitely worthwhile.
Jim Allison
For more information on Survive the Ride please see the links below:
Their website: https://www.survivetheride.org/
Their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/survivetheride/