11 riders turned up to start the ride at 8:00am at Menai 711: Greg Schafer (ride leader), Keith Ryan, Sam Thoma, Brad Button, Col Purcell, Chris Potter, Mike Toth, Brian Van de Kly, Keith Moyle (volunteered for TEC duties), Phil Morris and Jerry Bloeman who was along for the ride to our first stop at Penrith.

We made reasonable time in our first section to Penrith Maccas, but did cop our share of school zones, traffic lights and traffic. Next was a nice run through North Richmond and over the mountains via the Bell’s Line of Road to Lithgow then on to Tarana pub for lunch. Near Tarana we were held up by a truck doing 20kmh in a 100 zone. After making sure all was clear I pulled out to pass and only then realised he was marking lines. All made it safely around, but we did have some white tyre treads for a bit.
After lunch Keith Ryan led the group around some local bitumen roads, managing to avoid the dirt and get us into Oberon mid afternoon. Thanks Keith. The motel was a bit out of town, but the manager was generous enough to offer a lift into town, and back for those that wanted it.

A late start (9:30am) was the go the following morning to minimise the chance of encountering any black ice on our return journey. It was a balmy 8deg Celsius as we left for a refuel at Goulbourn via Shooters Hill Road. Then on to Nerriga for lunch via Taralgon and home via Nowra. 772klms in total. Thanks to Col for his camera work and Keith Moyle for TEC duties on both days.
Greg Schafer (Schafe)