Thanks Col! – fabulous ride – by that I mean it was just great and we were, for a change, reasonably unhindered by traffic for most of it. The best part being we had ample opportunities to unleash our ponies (or should I say thoroughbreds) and give them a bit (well really, a lot) of free rein.
As implied, Col volunteered (well, sort of) to lead the day’s foray on the proviso someone do the trip report – here Gorilla’s somewhat suspect electronic selection system came to the fore and Seagull got the nod. However, on the way home I remembered I owed him a favour, so here you are with me doing the pencilling.

Seven riders and a lone pillion rolled up on a beautiful winters day to partake on the usual scheduled Tuesday ride. Namely, Seagull (Rob) – Suzuki, Tunnels (another Rob) – Ducati, the Smits (Owen & Leslie) – Triumph, Nightrider (Alan) – H.D., Gorilla (Keith) – Triumph, Colonel (Col) – BMW RS, and moi – Bullfrog – BMW XR……quite unusual, as not one bike/model the same – just my observation.
After the usual repartee/dialogue, Shellcove ended up the carefully chosen destination – so off we set closely following our intrepid leader. First along the OPH, then down Mt

Kembla, along the M1, through Albion Park, no stop at Jamberoo, a clip along Swamp Road and culminating at Shellcove. Marvelous morning tea/coffee stop adjacent to the Marina – here Tunnels and I had our orders mislaid and after watching the others satisfy themselves thought it might be time we did something about it – after some mucking around we were finally gastronomically satisfied. We then clambered aboard our mounts and slabbed it home.
Needless to say, a great ride, fantastic company, fabulous day – what better could you have asked for – heaven in a nutshell!!!!!
Gerry Bloemen
# 1309