Overcast but the usual Monday rain prediction possible showers. Jamberoo sounded good until we checked the radar. Lots of blue down past the ‘gong so … A short ride was decided. Ruby’s at Bulli seemed a good place from where we could make a quick retreat should the weather threaten.
Today’s crew was Whispers, colonel, Martin with guests Andy and Rob. 8am start with our eye on the sky, Clouds thickening in the distance but no rain.
The usual lycra brigade was already there so we set up our own table out the back. Martin was fasting as was the colonel so it was up to 3 of us to keep the staff employed.
With little chance of rain a longer relaxing brunch was had. Return was the coast rd, Bald hill, Nat Park A motorist with faulty headlights flashed at the weir slowing us down.

Just at the last bend before the toll booth sat our resident blue light, not that we had a problem. Good byes were had just before the highway. Home for lunch
Thanks for the company guys.
John Whispers Warren