With Whispers unable to lead today Perry stepped up to lead. Jim just back from Hawaii, joined us today as did Martin and Lee. I chose to do a back to basics easy breakfast run to Bulli Beach Cafe. Just as we were leaving Loftus Oval a straggler arrived, I did not recognise the bike or rider, oh well a mystery ride for him then.

Headed south then onto the Princes Highway, a great feeling being Ride Leader again. Down Bulli Pass with no slow trucks in front, left onto Point Street and then right along the ocean front, what a great experience seeing the ocean. Steve our webmaster just back from overseas was our straggler. A 43 kilometre ride taking just 35 minutes. We had breakfast at the Bulli Beach Café. Over breakfast Steve told us about his overseas experiences, and Lee regaled us about his experiences driving Conti Coaches.
Stands up at 10am and we headed north along the coast, over Sea Cliff Bridge and up Stanwell Tops. Steve left us at the Helensburg turn off, and we continued along the Princes Highway to Heathcote where we said our goodbyes. Lee now had time to clean his bike wheels when he gets home and Perry after writing this report will be having a poppy nap.
Ride report: Perry Veltmeyer