The ride was supposed to have lunch at Tahmoor but with 40 deg day predicted we opted for something shorter and along the coast. Only four riders present and all wondering about the heat which was already building by 9.00.

As the Ride Leader, the Colonel asked me to present Rick Calega with his nickname plate, Finileak, which was completed with a round of applause.

Set off for Jamberoo with a ride along the old highway, down to Picton Rd and then down through Mt Kembla to Unanderra and onto the highway. Turned off at Dapto Dogs to ride the back roads around Avondale with a quick detour to check out the Hillclimb, before heading down Mt Marshal Road to Albion Park rail and onto Jamberoo. It was a good free flowing ride with little traffic to hinder us and nothing exciting which makes for pleasant riding and difficult report writing.
At Jamberoo we had a break and after discussion, decided the heat would make Tahmoor an unpleasant ride that took too much out of us so decided to basically retrace our steps get back to Sydney without too much 40 deg heat. After talking with another group of older riders who seemed to be having similar doubts to us (some nice old bikes among them – Suzuki 500 Cobra, an early Honda XL600 e.g.) we set off back home. Ric and Col decided to shortcut, but I still went through MT Kembla and the rest.
A quick farewell at Heathcote where it had hit 39 deg and then home. The ride through Menai was frankly like riding in an oven. Was hoping for a longer ride but was glad to be home and out of the heat.
Ride Report By: Posty Jim Sutherland