Was another great day at Bangor Tavern, with 10 turning up, which was pretty good considering the big trip away to Cowra was on.
The BIG news of the day was TUNNELLS is allowed to ride again after his little heart wobble.
Wilma was there on a table on her own for her daily one white wine.

The Lady Publican graced us with her participation in a photo.
The poor chef (with the spiked hair do) had a big accident whilst over the Chip Cooking Vat and burnt his right hand badly.
Was great to see our non riding member Tex Morton turn up.
The publican would not give up the name of the member who turned up a week early for the get together ??

HIGHLIGHT of the day PERRY brought along 2 huge albums full of photographs which showed the history of our club.
Finished up a bit earlier at 2pm stumps up. Was a GREAT get together.
NONE next month as it clashed with Xmas will start up again in 2024 after the school holidays.
Luv and Kisses.
Nippy Norm