“No gears, No Brakes and No fear”, that more or less sums up Motorcycle Speedway in Australia.
Liverpool Regional Museum had advertised a presentation on the History of Liverpool Speedway and Speedways in general and Bob McGlinchy was the presenter. Bob is also a representative of Motorcycle NSW.
After a short ride to Appin for coffee , four bikes made their way up the Freeway from Campbelltown to Liverpool. Big Al joined us at the venue.

The presentation was held in the Museum meeting room where a couple of Speedway bikes were on display. The visual power point display contained a lot of history, including a photo of a streaker who did a lap with only a helmet and boots. Think about it, not the most comfortable motorcycle seats!
Bob covered the start of Liverpool Speedway in 1967 until it’s closure in the 80’s. He also spoke of the local Scramble track at Moorebank where celebrities like Bobby Limb and Roger Climpson attended to present trophies in it’s heyday.
All in all an interesting hour & a half after which complimentary coffee and biscuits were served with the chance to mingle with the other attendees including a few ex riders.
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29 July 2023: Liverpool Regional Museum