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27th June 2024: Joint Ride With Sydney Branch

Ride was set for a 10.00am start so I expected a multitude of riders from our Branch, so was a tad disappointed when only two others fronted up – that is; Norm (Nifty), Col (Colonel) and, of course, myself. Though we did have a passing visit from Halfway Dave along the OPH near Garrawarra – obviously just doing a Dave thing.

Back to Macca’s at Heathcote with the Sydney Branch – 9, 10 or 11 of them, hard to tell as there was a fair crowd. A motley crew left Macca’s
journeying along the OPH, Picton Road and down Mt Keira. At the end of Mt. Keira Road we turned south and that was when things started to go a bit pear shape. A few of us had got caught at two sets of traffic lights, one after the other, which resulted in a fair gap from the main body. Would note here that we had been instructed that corner markers would be the go and that the route would go through Unanderra, so off we set in that direction.

Anyway, this created some direction uncertainty and associated discord. I’ll have a rant here and say corner marking can be advantageous in most situations. But, when it goes cockeyed it’s like a chain – only as strong as its weakest link – obviously this was the case and it dismally failed when apparently someone couldn’t wait for the tail-end charley and left his post. Also, I’d note that when setting out for a ride the direction to be followed should be given in a very clear, concise and accurate manner.

Luckily, everyone made it to the Robo Pie Shop for nutrition, some by very convoluted ways. Now sorted out, the assembly finally somewhat organised, proceeded via Pearsons Lane to Kangaroo Valley. After crossing Hampden Bridge, we turned onto Mount Scanzi Road heading for Tallowa Dam, only to find it was closed. Now where to go, so onto K.V. village, but unfortunately couldn’t find a suitable venue for lunch. Someone suggested Bendeela Rec. Area, so off we trundled. Spent some time scrutinizing the area for a decent spot to settle for lunch, eventually resolving on some log barriers to sit on. This, and probably a few other issues, must have been a bit too much for Norm and he departed – can’t say, I didn’t blame him at all.

Now which way to go home, our hosts were at a loss and elected me to lead them on the way out of the valley, as some (most) where unfamiliar with the location. So decided to give them a thrill and take them out through Wattamolla. At Berry I left the horde as I wanted to visit a friend who had just moved to there. I particularly want to thank Norm & Col for turning up and must admit that in a mischievous, masochistic and sadistic way I thoroughly enjoyed the somewhat juxtaposed day – heaps of thanks again to the previously mentioned for their company and extreme forbearance and tolerance.

Gerry Bloemen (Bullfrog)
# 1309