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26 June 2023: Whispers's Coffee Ride

26 June 2023: Whispers’s Coffee Ride

26 June 2023: Whispers's Coffee Ride - Austinmere Cafe Stop
26 June 2023: Whispers’s Coffee Ride – Austinmere Cafe Stop

According to BOM gale force winds predicted but at not a breath at Loftus so with the sun shining a ride to shell cove would be pleasant sitting the sun looking over the marina.

But that was until we reached the OLP where it was impossible to control which side of the road you were on. We formed a scrum shortly after the wind hit and decided Austinmere was a better idea.

So Perry, Clancy and Whispers had a very slow ride down Bulli back to Austi. We even sat inside the café to avoid the wind .Short chat then battle our way home and out of the wind.

John [Whispers] Warren.