Sunshine , no wind, perfect day for a ride to Diggies Kiama.
8 Riders today Slim, Clancy , Perry ,Martin , John on his 1986 750 BMW Whispers and visitors Andy and Bob.
Usual route O P H. Mt Ousley where an approaching motorcyclist flashed us [lights that is] we came upon a law enforcement officer standing in the grass just before.
The truck run off, camera in hand, of course we had no speeding problems.
Arriving at the café there was plenty of parking and we secured 2 tables. The full quid was the go of choice breakfast for the day. Clancy departed early to call in.
To Fraser’s for some bits, the rest of us back on the h/way called in to Sublime Point to admire the view for a quick break. Next stop Heathcote for goodbyes and home for lunch
If you can fit it .
Cheers John Whispers Warren