Well, these months roll around quickly when you’re having fun, my turn to lead a ride again. This time I selected a ride to Thirlmere the long way, this was originally Norm Symes route which he did a few months ago, and I liked the run, so many thanks Norm.

As usual, as I arrived at the servo TT was there sitting on his bike waiting to see who was going to turn up, and as time went by, we had 10 riders TT, Monkey, Gerry, Keith, Roger, Ian, Rick, Norm, Alan, and myself, Smoko. I was giving the usual ride briefing as we were about to leave when another solo rider turned up, he just made the end of our group of bikes as we rode out as we didn’t recognise him or the bike, it turned out he was a long-time member, but hadn’t been riding with us for some time, it was Dan from Oatley on a 1000cc Suzuki….very nice, welcome back Dan.
I went through Waterfall, (not a car in sight) OPH, Appin Rd, Broughton Pass, Wilton, back onto Picton Rd. and then the Highway to the Y Towns turnoff. Along Remembrance Drive to Alpine and on past Hill Top to Thirlmere Loop Line Bakery for our pies and coffee. Some of our boys sat at the bakery and others stayed in the park near the dunnys….not sure why….
After about half an hour, time to head home, this time heading back through Picton, up over Razorback to Menangle Rd. and through Douglas Park, Broughton Pass again and continuing to Heathcote for our farewells, at about 1pm.
A pretty straight forward ride, but a good run all the same, with light traffic no Highway Patrol, and very cool, overcast weather. Thanks everyone for coming along and as usual, a big thankyou to TT for TEC duties, till next time.
Phil “Smoko” Morris