I awoke to a dismal, dark and dreary looking day….but!….it wasn’t raining, so my pent-up worries dissipated somewhat – still it was early morning and anything the weather Gods could conjure up was still enigmatic. So glad I hadn’t posted a warning and there was no need for a follow-up…..still???
Got clobbered up, had breakfast, then mounted the two wheeled velocipede and onto the rendezvous site to see who’d turn up – might note that on the way there the roads showed signs of recent precipitation in the form of liquid sunshine – not to worry though a commitment made must be adhered to and my ride was definitely on – well, to me anyway.

On arrival at Ampol, Heathcote, greeted by Phil (Yamaha), closely followed by Greg (BMW), then the horde arrived – vis Rob (Ducati), Keith (Triumph), Les (Yamaha), Brian (Triumph), Col (BMW), Dane (BMW), Shane (BMW) and just in time to mount up; Brad (BMW) – including myself that added up to eleven intrepid souls.
Off we set on the knocker of 9.00am – through the RNP, OPH, Appin, Douglas Park, Picton, Old Hume H’way, Tahmoor, Bargo River Rd., West Parade/Wilson Dr., and arrived at the Hill Top Village Bakery parched and in need of sustenance.
Here we, as usual, partook in a pleasant interlude discussing the usual claptrap of local, world events and anything of any interest. After watering the horses we then proceeded through the ‘Y’ towns to our various destinations.

Must thank Rob (Tunnels) for taking over the role of TEC – great job – might add Rob had an issue on his way home with an errant chain and had to organise some family members to come to his aid – one of the disadvantages of being sweep as nobody else noticed his dilemma…..a good reason to keep a check on the person following you.
Needless to say, additional appreciation to all attendees for their august company – ’till next time au revoir and carpe diem.