After quite a period of inclement weather the chosen day for this ride turned out to be perfect……how good was that! So six of us met to enjoy the benefit nature provided, though believe numbers were somewhat curtailed as it was the antecedent of the Super Bike Weekend at Philip Island. Needless to say, ‘Nifty’ Norm, ‘Half-way’ Dave, ‘Flash’ Craig, Dane, ‘Postie’ Phil (our volunteer T.E.C.) and myself, (‘Bullfrog’) set of on a pleasant excursion to commemorate our 100 Year Anniversary of the 1924 G.P. race.

I might note here that a synopsis of this event is open for perusal on the Club’s website under ‘Our Rides’ and clicking ‘Ride Reports’ (also accessible through the following link: https://www.ulyssesstgeorgesutherland.com.au/22nd-feb-2024-goulburn/)
The route we followed was quite simple and as we were to travel quite a distance some time restraints were essential. Anyway, off along the O.P.H., Appin Rd., Broughton Pass, Hume H’way., Aylmerton Rd., Old South Rd., onwards through Moss Vale to Werai, where we stopped for coffee, pies and whatever at Snake Valley eatery. Then through Bundanoon, Marulan onto Bungonia where we hooked onto the old G.P. Circuit. Then via it to just outside of Goulburn to the G.P. Memorial, took some photos and proceeded via Windellama to our lunch stop at Johnno’s Gen. Store & Café.

We then hooked it heading towards home along the (boring) Hume H’way., though turned off at Murrimba Rd., to Wingello and then onwards and down Mac. Pass. Said our cheerios at Yallah and made our separate ways home. I thoroughly enjoyed the day’s ride – managed some 436 kilometres – great ride, great weather, great day and fabulous company!!!
Gerry Bloemen
# 1309