A cool but pleasant start but with a special request from Tunnels. His old Ducati was about to tick over the 100,000 Klms on his speedo so he asked for a stop when that occurred. Who said old Ducati’s would never stay going long enough to meet that milestone? Actually most old Ducati owners… What’s that saying “Ducati Motor Company, changing Ducati riders into Ducati mechanics for over 70 years!” So cruel.

We were on our way to the Appin Café and he predicted it would occur on Appin Road somewhere so when he stopped we all stopped for a photo opportunity. That completed it was on to Appin. On the return home it was Douglas Park, back onto the Picton Road, top of My Kembla, Harry Graham Drive to Mt Ousley and home via OPH. A great mornings ride with good company, Whispers, Slim Jim, Davo, Perry and Tunnels. Come and ride one Monday with them.