Finally a nice sunny morning, 7 riders and 1 pillion attended today, for a ride led by Craig Flash Bernie, to Hilltop for Morning tea, and Shoalhaven Heads. We were led out on time by Flash, followed by Lucky 800 GS, Bruce Ducati, Dane 800 XR, Postie V/Strom, The Smifs 800 Tiger and myself 1250 RS.

Our route was down the OPH and onto Appin Rd, out onto Picton Rd at the lights, and through to Picton, but instead of turning into Prince St, Flash led us into the next street, Station St, for a quick look a the beautifully restored Picton Station, a quick u turn , 2 right hand turns and we were back in Prince St, crossing the wooden bridge. We continued on to Thirlmere, where we continued along the eastern side of the railway line, eventually crossing over to the western side, about 5 km before Hilltop. While we had morning tea at the Bakery, we were entertained by a live radio broadcast from the RFS by 2ST.
We moved on towards the Y towns, taking Old South Rd, which is new now, at the first round about, Lucky took a left for home down Mac Pass, leaving 7 of us. We hit stationary traffic a few ks past Kangaloon Rd, forcing a u turn and back to Kangaloon Rd, then travelling via Robertson, Pearsons Lane and finally taking the run down into KV and then over Cambewarra and down into Bombadary and out to Shoalhaven Heads.

It was decided that we would eat out the front of the hotel, and watch the Sailing races while we enjoyed lunch, it was extremely nice sitting there out the front of the hotel. Thanks Craig for leading a very pleasant ride, and everyone who took part in making it very nice ride.