I arrived a little late at the Heathcote Servo and soon discovered that I was Ride Leader. Apparently a vote had been taken prior to my arrival. But that’s okay, The Donald had been sworn in the night before and I’m informed he’d previously had some issues with elections but it didn’t stop him from getting the keys to The House from Uncle Joe.

So after full and fruitful discussions with the gathered 17 riders various destinations were put forward. As Ride Leader, I, Supreme Leader Kim Jung Tunnels, after reasonable analysis, immediately dismissed them all and decided we were going to the Menangle Park Post Office which would suit our large group. OPHwy, Appin Rd, Broughton Pass, over the weir towards Douglas Park, Morton Park Rd, Menangle. Simple. And it was with me pointing out the historic Appin Police Station, Courthouse and Gaol (c. 1850), St Mary’s Towers (previously known as Parkhill and Nepean Towers, home of Sir Thomas Mitchell c. 1842) on Douglas Park Rd, over the convict built weir (and road which hasn’t been improved much since 1842) and into Menangle, famous for it’s Retirement Villages and the old Rotolactor site, where, in my childhood the best milk shakes in NSW could be sourced.

All the group, after being told to fall into line or you’ll be doing the Ride Report, agreed a great spot for a break. Onwards and Upwards, up over Razorback where in 1979 Ted ‘Greendog’ Stevens and 5 other courageous truck drivers blocked the Hume Hwy to protest road tax. Down the other side and into Picton, left to Wilton, Appin and home via the Nasho.
Beautiful weather, good group, although when I stopped at Heathcote to sign off our 17 was 8. Where did they get to? At Menangle they told me they “were right behind me” Doesn’tmatta. The Donald would tell me the 8 I still had out of 17 was a clear majority and a vote of extreme confidence in my leadership. I promise if re-elected as Secretary I’ll Make Ulysses Great Again.
Tunnels (vote early, vote often)