“Relay for Life” Wanda Beach to Kurnell – Saturday 6th May 2023

Well after months of planning by the Committee of “Relay for Life” it was on again, and the Sun Gods have been kind to all with perfect sunny weather.
The Lads started arriving at the Don Lucas Reserve at Wanda Beach from about 08:00. The “R for L” guys and gals are in full swing with pergolas, Dining Tents, Stalls and a huge Stage for the proposed entertainment. This is an amazing annual event staged over 24 hours to assist the Survivors and Carers of Cancer patients. There everntually were probably over 1,000 in attendane. To date they have raised over $200,000 – what an effort by so many volunteers.
The rest of the Riders started arriving, to make 10 Bikes & 2 Can Am Spiders. The organisers insisted we come for some morning tea/breakfast They are all so appreciative of our support, by taking the Survivors & Carers for a joy trip on the bikes. These trips are about taking pillions to Silver Beach Kurnell, and are only for the Survivors and Carers of Cancer patients (who all have identification sashes) – not the general public.
The going was pretty slow, compared to previous years, but the event doesn’t officially open till 10:00. We asked the promoters to publicise it over the P.A. system for our Club and the Rides – which Rob did several times.
They started coming and the show began…

The Route was organised to head south, turning right on Hume Road – down to the round-about, right along Elouera Road, then right at the Roundabout onto Captain Cook Drive to Kurnel. I was consious of the heavy trafic, and wanted everyone to use the roundabouts for safety reasons. Then to Silver Beach – Kurnell is packed as usual, and back to the Don Lucas Reserve at Wanda. The Trip was about 26 kms return.
The pillions started coming and the Rides began. A lot of them had never been on a motorbike, so instructions were given how to hold on, lean angles etc. We probably did about 50-60 Rides.
The Park was in full swing with hundreds and hundreds of supporters walking, running and wheel chairs completing the paved curcuit, some in outragous outfits. They were fitted with lap monitors. If they completed 92 Laps or about 13 kilometres they received a medal.
The stage shows were excellent, with all types of singers, bands and even a scotish bagpipe band. Rob the Organiser has just anounced that donations have now exceeded, $250,000 annd wants to see the new $300,000 target reached.
My last ride was for and ex-american -Texan woman who has been living here for 6 years and absolutely loves Australia, and lives in Cronulla. A really happy and chearful “Survivor” who enjoyed the trip, as well as the “Monk” Blessing and prayer given before here ride – see Pics..
Anyway every one had a most enjoyable Day, including the Club Members – we hope to all catch up again next year.
Thanks for helping out some less fortunate than us..
Peter “Monkey” Monk
Ride Captain
Pics from “Relay for Life” Wanda Beach to Kurnell – Saturday 6th May 2023