You are currently viewing 19th October 2024: Hill Top Bakery

19th October 2024: Hill Top Bakery

I hadn’t led a Saturday ride for quite some time, and as it turned out I only discovered I was leading one about a month ago, you see, I had mentioned to Keith Moyle (Ride Captain) that he could put me down for a Saturday as I was going to miss the ride roster BBQ, being overseas at the time, March and April earlier this year. As I was checking the Ride Calander, I found myself down for this one, so contacted Keith to nominate a destination.

Anyway, with the weather really iffy I wasn’t too sure it would be on, but Saturday morning turned out to be OK with showers forecast to arrive around 11:30, so away I went.

Upon arrival at the servo, Beat and Wills were waiting and by take-off time they were joined by Phil, Keith, Rob, Brett and myself Smoko, seven riders. The ride was going to Hill Top Bakery through the Y Towns, and we had a reasonable run, although we caught a slow KIA around Broughton Pass which was a bummer, and arrived under quite heavy cloud cover, but no rain yet.

After around 40 minutes of making a huge mess on the Bakery veranda with all those really flaky pies and huge vanilla slices, we mounted up to head back almost the way we came, except going back alone the M1 to Picton Rd. we lost our TEC Rob Lord, who took the Reembrace Drive turn off instead, so I did lose my TEC…. but only on the way home… so doesn’t count.

During the rather quick run home (trying to beat the rain) those big black clouds were really gathering, and as fate would have it, we almost made it. I radioed the boys to suggest we don’t stop at our normal goodbye point as it was just starting to rain…all agreed and we continued homeward bound, only to ride into quite a heavy downpour.… and almost home too, bugger, dirty bike.

The ride wasn’t too bad earlier in the morning, and I’m sure all enjoyed it, so thanks for coming along guys, and a big thankyou to my TEC, Rob.

Phil “Smoko” Morris