Overcast and likely to get a sprinkle of rain, but that didn’t stop Dutchy, Les, The Colonel and myself from riding on what turned out to be a good day for it.
We decided on The Oaks as a destination so the usual run to Appin, Douglas Park and on to Burragorang Road via Dowles Lane for a change. We took a right at Big Hill Road , just to see how it is now that repairs are finished , still a few tight turns up hill.
Back on to Burrogorang Road we continued to Burrogorang Lookout, with a truck and trailer spoiling the fun on the better sections.
Heading back to The Oaks we had a much clearer run and were able to enjoy the corners traffic free.
After a pie and coffee we headed back into Picton and over Razorback. Arriving at Appin Road it was blocked off by Police, presumably an incident further up the road?
That led to us going home via Campbelltown, Ingleburn and Holsworthy.
The little bit of sprinkle we did encounter never really amounted to much so it was an enjoyable ride with good company, thanks guys!
Jim Allison