You are currently viewing 18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride

Riders List:

First Name Last Name Aka Bike
Keith Moyle Gorilla Triumph Tiger
Greg Melville Lucky BMW GS
Chris Potter Harry BMW GS
Peter Monk Monkey BMW XR
Sam Thoma Casper BMW GS
Mark Price Pricey BMW GS
Mark Ansell KTM 1290
Brad Button Red BMW RS
Keith Ryan Shrek BMW GS
Col Purnell Colonel BMW RS
Steve Carnaby BMW GS
Michael Holmes Can Am
Al Van Kraanen Big Al Ducati Multistrada
Peter Hoare BMW RS


Day 1 Menai to Gloucester

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Start
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Start

At Menai 7/11 8 of the riders gathered to head off on our four-day riding adventure and right on 8.00 a.m. we headed off. To leave the city behind we had to run the gauntlet of Sydney peak hour traffic and the perils of traffic lights along Camden Valley Way and Bringelly Road. The prospect of open roads kept us going and we were soon on our first snippet of open road when we got to Greendale Road and then Mulgoa Road. We passed through Penrith and took Cranebrook Road to our morning tea stop at Cranebrook McDonalds. Here we met up with four other riders, Pricey, Casper, Harry and Micheal (mate of Shrek’s) and after refreshments we headed off into Windsor and then McGraths Hill where we turned onto Pitt Town Road then Cattai Road, Wisemans Ferry Road and lastly Northern Road to take us to our Hawkesbury River cruise at Wisemans Ferry.

After waiting a few minutes for the ferry, we enjoyed a quick cruise across the river and once again we were on our way along Wisemans Ferry Road. Not the best road in terms of maintenance and several stretches are still impacted from the floods and heavy rain but it was enjoyable and the scenery along the river is just picturesque.

Just before Central Mangrove we turned onto Bloodtree Road to link up with George Downes Drive which took us through Kulnura, Bucketty and Laguna before arriving at Wollombi for our lunch stop at Wollombi Tavern. A great stretch of road and the countryside was looking very green. We made it to Wollombi right on schedule but with only one cook and a busy pub lunch was a bit on the slow side. No issue though we had plenty of time to natter and recall the time Monkey dropped his Tiger Explorer here we he put his foot down and unfortunately there was nothing there so over he went. I might add no harm was done and he bounced right back up.

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Bucketts Way Motel
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Bucketts Way Motel

After we had all eaten, we headed off to Broke and then Singleton for a refuel. From here we headed off to our first night’s accommodation at Gloucester. We passed through East Gresford and Dungog. Here we pulled over for a quick conference. The original intention was to go to Stroud Road and then Booral and Wotton Wat before taking The Bucketts Way into Gloucester from the North. However, time was getting on and the extra distance would probably see us arriving in the dark so I suggested we just head straight into Gloucester via Stroud Road. All agreed and we headed off. It was just as well we amended the route as the sun started to fall behind the hills and it was getting dark pretty quickly. Around 4.30 p.m. we arrived at The Bucketts Way Motel and after settling in, we headed across the road to the Roundabout Hotel for some refreshment and dinner.

Here we met up with another guest, Steve a friend of Shrek’s who was joining us for tomorrow’s ride.

A great first day, fantastic weather, clear traffic (mostly) good roads (but plenty of potholes especially around Dungog as usual) and no bike issues.

Day 2 – Gloucester to Bendemeer

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Chilly morning in Gloucester
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride Chilly morning in Gloucester

As expected, we awoke to a chilly morning in Gloucester somewhere around zero. A peak out the door revealed a town and the surrounding mountains shrouded in a foggy mist creating an eerie feeling and a thought that we may have to delay ride time from the scheduled 8.30 a.m.

A few of the riders headed to Roadies Café a few blocks from the motel for a kick start coffee and breakfast. We have been to this café many times when we passed through Gloucester and the service and food does not disappoint.

At 8.30 we were all ready and while the fog was still around it was not so thick that we couldn’t ride so off we went along The Bucketts Way. As we got further out of town the fog lifted and we were presented with terrific views across the green rolling hills with the fog leisurely lifting from lower down in the valleys.

We kept on The Buckets Way which took us through Belboa, Krambach, Burrell Creek, Killawarra and Wingham. From here we headed to Taree taking some backroads to avoid town traffic and finally arriving at McDonalds on Manning River Drive for our morning tea stop.

After our break it was back on the bikes and onto the motorway for a while where we turned at Bago Road to take us into Wauchope and onto the Oxley Highway. At Wauchope we stopped for a refuel and to pick up another guest, Peter Hoare a friend of Brad’s.

And then we were off along one of Australia’s No 1 motorbike rides as rated by QBE Insurance.

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride - Bendemeer Hotel
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride – Bendemeer Hotel

The ride may not be long but the 45klms of twisties are testing and while the following picture is not us it gives you an idea of the countryside and the thoroughly enjoyable riding experience.

There are still some road works along the way with stop go activities but with light traffic it wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t long before we arrived at the reopened Gingers Creek for our lunch stop.

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride - Bendemeer Hotel Bike Storage
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride – Bendemeer Hotel Bike Storage

Gingers Creek is a favourite stop as it is mid-way point between Wauchope and Walcha. After lunch we headed off to tackle the second segment which does not have as many tight twisties but more sweeping bends before opening out into straights as you get closer to Walcha.

At Walcha we all refuelled and it was a ride of 60klms to Bendemeer Hotel our accommodation for the night. I have never been to the pub before but I have to say the recently new (3 years) publican /owner Leanne could not have been more welcoming. As we checked in, we were given keys to the bike sheds with space for four bikes per shed.

After we had stored the bikes away and settled into our rooms it was down stairs to the bar for a chat and a drink or two before dinner. Leanne came over and took our orders for breakfast, highly efficient and good value, full breakfast $20, bacon and egg roll, $12 and continental $15.

Day 3 – Bendemeer to Gloucester

18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride - Bendemeer Hotel Breakfast
18 to 21 June 2024: TTTTF Ride – Bendemeer Hotel Breakfast

This morning right on time at 7.30 we headed down to the dining room for breakfast and with efficiency they came out by name so there was no confusion and like a well-oiled machine we were all served a delicious breakfast with those who ordered the full breakfast already saying they didn’t want any lunch.

We took the opportunity for a photo shoot at the front of the pub before heading off for today’s ride. Steve had left earlier to head home to Grafton and Shrek and Michael said they would leave us at Walcha opting to take Thunderbolts Way back to Gloucester. It was a simple route to Wauchope, a reverse of yesterdays’ travels and once again stopping at Gingers Creek for lunch. We refuelled at Wauchope and turned onto Bago Road to link up with the freeway for a short ride to get to our lunch stop at Kew.

After lunch it was back on the freeway for about 90 klms which was unfortunate. Usually, I will look to avoid freeways but, in this case, it was not possible but worth it because it wasn’t long before we reached Wotton Way (the old Pacific Highway) for a fabulous ride along the Bulahdelah bends. Then it was back onto the freeway for a short time to take the Bulahdelah exit and onto Booral Road another great ride. This took us to Stroud Road for a ride straight in Gloucester. After checking in we headed across the road for a drink and dinner. Here we caught up with Shrek and Micheal who arrived in Gloucester early and had made a sizable donation to the takings of the bar.

Day 4 – Gloucester to Home.

The planned route home was to head back to Singleton via Dugong and East Gresford then back through Broke and Wollombi and then for a lunch stop at Pie in the Sky at Cowan for our farewells and then head home.

As it turned out Pricey and Sam had to get new tyres and needed to get to MCA at Campbelltown by 1.00 to have them fitted so they were going to go via Putty Road. Shrek and Micheal also said they would take Putty Road as it was easier for Michael who lived at Penrith.

At 8.30 we headed off and stopped at Dungog Bakery for a coffee and pie or for some an apple turnover with cream. Here we said our goodbyes to the Putty Road gang with Colonel opting to tag along with them.

For the rest of us we headed off to Pie in the Sky with Brad and Chris dropping onto the freeway for a quicker ride home. There were 4 of us who stopped to enjoy the break and a bite and drink, then it was time to say our goodbyes and we all headed home.

As usual it was great to get away for a few days riding and we couldn’t have been luckier, roads were terrific, traffic was light, no bikes issue of any description and fortunately the weather was brilliant. After we arrived home on Friday the skies opened up in the night and the rain continued all Saturday.

Thanks to my fellow riders for joining me on this trip and it won’t be long before we are off on another adventure on two wheels.

