Can you feel it ? I mean the throbbing of 6 Harley v twins and a spider .The sound ,not noise, oozing from the Rinehart suppressors some people call mufflers. That’s what we had for our coffee ride on Monday . Perry ,Clancy ,Davo ,Halfway Dave, Terry ,Whispers and visitor Rob .Leaving from Loftus oval first stop was Bald Hill.
For a pit stop and admire the view on an overcast day with no rain predicted .It was here we met up with another Dave a Ulyssian from our branch who took our number up to 8 . 100 meters out from Bald Hill we came to a halt behind a council cleaner.

With his lights flashing he was over to the left far enough to allow us to sneak by . An uneventful ride to the Bundeena turnoff Then a left turn to Maainbar where a full carpark ruled out a stop at the café so on to Bundeena. For bacon and egg rolls.
Good byes at the toll gates to R N P . Home 11.30 Thanks guys ,great company and ride .
John Whispers Warren