Following John Davies presentation on Honda Australia Roadcraft Training at our July Branch meeting there was strong interest from Members interested in improving their riding skills.
We were able to lock in 17th August for 6 of our Members – Steve Smith, Big Al Van, Bill ( Sniper) Collaros, Steve Wade Phil (Smoko) Morris and myself.
The weather had improved from the forecast and we set off from Menai at 8:45 allowing time for anticipated traffic., however the run to St Ives was reasonably trouble free and we arrived early giving us plenty of time to sign in and grab a coffee.
John Davies then took us to one of the meeting rooms where , after a check that our licences were current, he outlined the days activities.

Both Smoko and myself opted to remove our FJR1300 panniers just in case , and the bikes were then given a quick check before we went into the subject of riding posture and countersteering.
We then proceeded out on the track with John leading the way on his Honda and we were shown the correct positioning on approaching and exiting a tight corner using cone markers to show where we should be.
The track has a sharp blind corner and a corkscrew section designed to test our skills. Once we were shown the correct positioning we proceeded to do laps with our cornering efforts videoed for later assessment.
After lunch which was supplied we viewed and discussed the videos which was a great way to get feedback.
Then it was back on the track for a lesson in braking. First a demonstration by the instructor of the difference between , rear then front followed by both brakes. We then proceeded to try our hand at emergency stopping from 60kph with all three separate modes. it was obvious how reaction time and physical braking distance combined to make riding with at least a 3 second gap the smartest thing to do.
We finally moved onto the training ground where various exercises between cones gave us some great tips on slower riding with heavier touring bikes.

All in all it was a valuable day out and highly recommended. Thanks to all those that came today, we all seemed to gain a bit from the course.
The 2nd September session is booked out but you can contact John Davies at HART on 02 9391 5110 if you are interested in booking a date in October or November.
Jim (Slim) Allison