Being school holidays it was not surprising that Gorilla didn’t turn up (most likely grandparent duties) today so we needed to find a ride leader? I thought I could con Tunnels into it but that backfired and I landed the job.

There were 14 bikes and our favourite pillion Lesley as we headed off with Thirlmere being the destination chosen. The ride down to Appin Road through the pass and across the Douglas Park Causeway was straightforward with TT back after a long absence to return to TEC duties.
From the back road into Menagle we found our way to Finns Road through Cawdor and onto Burrogorang Road without losing anybody.

I probably wasn’t the only one looking forward to a few corners on the way to Oakdale but as luck would have it a cement truck finished up in front of us . Better news at Oakdale as he pulled over and left us a clear run down Barkers Lodge Road.
Turning right at Mowbray Road we had lost contact with TT so after a bit Tunnels volunteered to turn back to look for him. All good , he had turned earlier and took a different route, but in doing so lost Dave who is relatively new to our group and who kept going ahead .
In the end we all made it for morning tea in the park. A short time later another Ulysses group from Eastern Creek with Tim and Jasmine came through , waving and obviously enjoying the great riding weather.

The return trip took us over Razorback and was uneventfull apart from a truck driver who apparently didn’t read the signs and thought his long car trailer could get through the Douglas Park causeway. Thankfully he waved us through before reversing all the way back.
My first Tuesday ride for a while and thanks to TT for his help.
Jim Allison