Due to scorching temperatures, Keith organized an 8 a.m. start at Heathcote, drawing an impressive turnout of 15 riders, including some new faces. Keith took charge by outlining our destination and route while assigning Teddy the responsibility of securing morning tea. I volunteered for the ride report after being unanimously voted in for the task.

The group eagerly embraced the mystery ride, ultimately cruising to Thirlmere for a delicious pie. Exploring an incredible, unfamiliar road led by Keith’s remarkable riding expertise, the journey unveiled new sights for many. tail end Charley, under TT’s guidance, maintained flawless communication throughout. 5 riders head home at Thirlmere leaving earlier leaving 10 riders.
On our way home after most of us said our farewell and our special guest Bald Eagle stopped to say hi to some of our riders.
On the way home Smoko was riding down Heathcote Road and turning onto Old Illawarra Rd. Smoko only had a few Km’s to travel home, turning right at Menai Rd and on to Bangor….

however, the motorcycle Gods had other ideas, about 600 meters before that intersection at Menai, Smoko’s beautiful FJR just switched off….nothing…. Smoko pulled the clutch in and coasted across two lanes to stop in the break down lane with a really strong smell of petrol, and looking down, a very large puddle on the ground. Smoko switched off the ignition straight away and the fuel stopped flowing, so I thought either a fuel hose had split or come off.
Smoko not having the tools to lift the tank he was stuck, but then Col and Les came riding by after the farewells, with me waving frantically, they waved back and disappeared into the distance…thanks guys, anyway Smoko decided to ring TT, the FJR expert’s swift assistance turned around after reaching home. TT promptly fixed the issue, ensuring a smooth conclusion for all, ensured everyone’s safe return. A big thank you to TT and everyone, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year here’s to wonderful times ahead!