Yet another counselling session. A brisk start which continued where and whenever out of the sunshine was a perfect backdrop to a great day’s ride.
With myself, Nippy Norm, Greg Schafer, Colonel Col, Martin Rambow, newbe Paul with his wife Maxine and another newbe Andrew.
We set off in Sutherland Shire Council, south on the Old Pacific Hwy, and Pacific Hwy to the City Of Greater Wollongong Council area where we turned on to Picton Road then to Mount Kembla where we had a brief sojourn at the power lines lookout. Down to the Princes Hwy, Five Islands Road and to the Motorway to Fowlers Road then Avondale Road, a lap of Huntley Hill climb then east again to and through Mount Marshall to Shell Harbour Council limits then quite a reasonable run up Macquarie Pass. We struck some traffic about halfway then, amazingly, the traffic stopped in the slow lane. Terribly terribly decent of them.

By now we were in Winecarribee Council area and stopping for coffee, a bite and a yarn at Robertson Pie Shop.
HESTIA time then Pearson’s Lane and across to the Nowra Road to travel down Barrengarry, through Kangaroo Valley before turning left to head over Berry Mountain, now in the Shoalhaven Council area.
We briefly stopped in Berry for Andrew to top up with fuel whilst Paul and Maxine searched for the sheepskin seat cover shop which has gone from it’s prior location with new dwellings now standing.

Mobile again, through Berry and onto Tannery Road/Beach Road where Andrew and Col lost touch with the rest of us. We followed a little slow car with non functional reflective devices before eventually getting bye then realizing our dilemma. By this stage we headed to Geroa Fisherman’s Club where Andrew and Col arrived prior to phones being readied.
Prices have risen however the portions are now very large and of good quality.
After grazing, solving a number of world problems and generally taking the piss out of each other we headed back outside to pound that bit-cha-mine.

To Gerringong, left then off the Motorway through Broughton Village and Fox grounds. Unfortunately we couldn’t go north on the Motorway from there so had to ride the bends again then into The Municipality of Kiama for the bends, Saddleback Road and through to Swamp Road back through Shell harbour City Council and Wollongong City Council areas before returning to the Sutherland Shire.
A tad over 300km for the day, clear skies, brisk weather, some good roads and a damned fine bunch of bods to make another enjoyable day.
Cheers Keith. (Shrek)