It was time to check out a new café for morno’s. We’ve all ridden past the Blue Jay Café in Albion Park many, many times. I always thought it looks great, but usually very busy, and always told myself I’ll check it out one day. As it turns out, it’s one of Big Al’s regular café’s. On a “BIG AL’s Ride Em Don’t Hide Em South” ride we stopped there for coffee. Sometime later I went back there again with a mate of mine and decided to add that to the Ulysses cafes.

Since the café is usually quite busy on Saturday mornings, I though I’ll give them a heads up the day before and optimistically booked a table for 6-8 people. Our Saturday rides vary a lot, but rarely with more than 8 riders. But this Saturday they just kept coming… and we ended up with 12 riders! A quick call to the café to increase the numbers…
My timing was mapped out to go through the NP, then the OPH, down Mount Kembla (for a change), Horsley backroads and Marshall Mount to Albion Park. I just forgot about the NP bit and rode straight along the OPH and later realised that we’ll be at the café too early. Trying not to fail my genetic Swiss timing, I came up with the plan of a short detour up Huntley Hillclimb. It turned out to be a great crowd pleaser, as some of the guys have never been there, let alone even known about it. Great place to stop, relax and socialise in a very nice rural environment (after the thrill of navigating the hill climb circuit).

We got to the café with perfect timing. Great location with a nice outlook, friendly staff and I think everyone enjoyed the coffee and food.
We rode home via Saddleback Mountain, Swamp road and up Mount Keira.
It was great to see a good turnup on a Saturday, and thanks everyone for the great company and a great day.
Beat “Dakar” Fawer