The Magnificent Seven – Redux
Cue: Elmer Bernstein’s music from 1960…………. Go west, young man!

The Seven: Gerry, Norm, Andrew, Dane, Dan (back from years riding his Gixxer in the Badlands), Jim and I.
As outlined on FB, a change of plan from a lunch job to just a mornos, Hill Top Bakery the venue du jour.
On the way out, all straightforward and uneventful. OPH, Appin, Broughton Pass (I was a bit cheeky claiming the right of way on the bridge in a photo finish to the baulk line – bet the guy on the other side in the ute was cursing) then up through Douglas Park and on to the foot of Razorback. The guy with the dog-grooming kit in tow didn’t give much quarter on the way up, where the speed zoning is all over the place like a madwoman’s (err…knitting?).

Disposed of him eventually and headed into Picton, where it was time for a three-way decision. Mowbray Park and Thirlmere vs Thirlmere Way to Thirlmere vs bypass the lot and go through Tahmoor to Bargo River Rd? Too hungry to go the long way so then the two-way choice. Didn’t fancy going through Tahmoor, so right at the roundabout only to get stuck behind a dumpster bin, but one who kindly pulled over on the uphill run to give us a break. Short-lived freedom. Then stuck behind a truck and dog all the way to Thirlmere. What is it about me and the arse-end of articulated vehicles? Happens every time. Anyway, from there up the east side of the line, past the cemetary and through the B-towns to rejoin Wilson Drive and into Hill Top. Bet Jim was tempted to take the rough option between Buxton and Balmoral and the old railway cutting to Hill Top, but he stuck with my boring alternative.
At morno’s, most opted for sweet things, but I went for a Sanga and (far too many) chips. I had to force-feed ‘em all the surplus chips, sort of like French geese bred for foi gras. Where’s Lord Seagull when you need him? That done, all agreed to no on-journey to lunch, though Jim signalled he would bail out south of Bargo to roam around the wilds of Pheasants Nest, where I’ve long suspected he’s buried a few bodies and periodically needs to ensure all is still intact.

The rest of us headed up through the Y-towns to Picton Rd, Appin, and the predictable route home. Gerry, of course, bailed out at Bulli. The only thing of note thereafter was a speed camera between Bulli and the ‘burgh (confident I jumped on the stoppers in good time); and a couple of HWP gendarmes mooching around at the junction between old highway and motorway south of Waterfall. They seemed focussed on the northbound motorway rather than us.
We five bade farewells at Heathcote, whereafter we had to deal with HWP #2 perched on the median between Ampol and Shell. The gendarmes must have all run out of RDOs this week.
Thanks, Norm for TEC duties, although they were a pretty tidy lot, not requiring any Kelpie talent from the rear.
Ride Report By: Craig Bernie 45102