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13 to 14 July 2024: Overnighter Batemans Bay

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of July, Gorilla’s overnighter to Batemans Bay. It was just another typical one of Gorilla’s rides, great roads, great attendance and great weather, yes, I’m going to go as far as calling it a great ride.

Saturday started out with 10 at the meeting point, 3 of which were only along for the first leg to Robertson, where we were joined by Snapper Snee and a mate of Tony’s. On to our next stop at Tarargo, where Peter Middleton Craig Carfoot, John and Debbie were waiting. From there it was on to Braidwood Bakery for a coffee, where the William’s were waiting, and by the time we all got seated for dinner at the Batemans bay Soldiers Club, there was 24 of us, as more wives and girl friends had arrived by car. A good night was had by all, with an evening of boot scooting for those inclined.

Day 2 started with Breakfast at the Se7en Cafe next to the southern side of the bridge, with plenty of riders missing, it must have been the boot scooting? The homeward journey had us headed straight up the Hwy to a coffee shop next to Bunnings at Nowra, where we had a break and said out goodbyes to Craig and Peter.
Northward, the numbers dropped further, with only 3 of us, exiting at Kiama and doing Saddleback and into Jamberoo for refreshments, before the final push for home.

We did approximately 675 km on this trip and It was great to see 7 of the better looking halfves of our members at Batemans Bay, perhaps more 1 nighters may be the go. A big thanks to Keith for another well executed ride, you nailed it.

Colin Purnell