A PERFECT SUNNY JULY DAY FOR A RIDE, temperature at 9:00am was 7 degrees, on departure this morning from Caltex I was leading ten keen riders Craig B on his Yammie, TT Yammie, Matt on his New GSX-S 1000 Suzuki, Nippy Norm Wee Strom, Seagull Wee Strom, Bullfrog BMW, Monkey BMW, Schafe BMW, Colonel BMW, Slow Pee Honda Lead wing.

Down the old Princes Highway to Bulli Appin Rd, Wilton Rd, Picton Rd, Argyle St, Barker Lodge Rd, Burragorang Rd, we stopped for a short break, a quick work out on the new exercise equipment, while I waited for Slow Pee to have a pee at Oakdale park, then back onto Burragorang Rd, John St, to our destination The Oaks Bakery.
After a very relaxing break we headed back to the Shire via Burragorang Rd, Fosters Lane, Westbrook Rd, Cawdor Rd, Remembrance Drive Way, Finns Rd, Woodbridge Rd, Moreton Park Rd, Douglas Park Drive, Wilton Rd , over cataract river, Church St, turned right onto Bulli Appin Rd, stopping just before the OPH to say our farewells to Bullfrog and the ride group this was our last stop before heading home.

Temperature now 19 degrees. Great days ride guys, just under 225 kms home by 1:00 pm.
Thanks for the company and to TT for being our tail end Charlie.
Roving Reporter- Seagull