I hope you all read Dakar’s (Beat Fawer) soliloquy yesterday as it explains a bit of what this one is all about.

Following our in-depth ‘tete-a-tete’ it was decided that, if today (Sunday) was reasonable, we would venture on a little excursion to Gumnut Patisserie, Mittagong. Dakar hadn’t been there before and was keen to show Zoe, one of his triplets, some sights.
Luckily it dawned clear and bright. So, after a phone call we decided to meet at Appin and venture on from there. So, after fuelling (at the right price) off we set – will keep the expedition route relatively simple: Broughton Pass, Douglas Park Weir, Prince St Bridge, Picton, Rockford Rd, the ‘Y’ towns, Old South Rd then onto Mount Gibraltar – ran into a very interesting couple there, but that’s another story. Then to Gumnut for mornos.

From there onto Range Rd, Tourist Drive – here Dakar thought he’d take me on a surprise tour down Moresby Hill Rd, little did he know it’s one of my least favourable roads, as I’ve had a not memorable experience on it – was tempted to keep going to Robertson. Thought better of it and followed him to where it again met up with the Tourist Rd and then to Robertson for some healthy fruit pies each.
As I had something else on – a boozy Sippers on Sandon Point SLSC balcony I reluctantly left them to continue their journey to Kangaroo Valley and parts unknown. Needless to say, I had a great time and only recorded four drops on my visor at the top of Mac Pass – can only hope it was rain!!!