You are currently viewing 12th August 2024: Coffee Ride

12th August 2024: Coffee Ride

8 am the sun was shining but the forecast predicted the wet stuff. The radar showed rain mainly on the coast.

So we thought a ride inland was the plan A. Perry, Whispers Martin {New nick name Doc you figure it out} Lassi and Davo. Coffee at Appin, Northern rd. to Camden, Camden Valley Way to Liverpool.

Heathcote Rd, Home. We had the sun till Appin where we stopped for coffee. good variety of pies and cakes at the bakery.

Nourishment ingested we headed off for 10 mins till a few spots grew to a lot of spots then you guessed it, down it came.

Plan B keep going through Campbelltown, join the M5, still raining. Plan C. Highway to Liverpool, Heathcote Rd to, New Illawarra Rd, where we said our goodbyes then home. Early finish thanks to the rain. [P.S. who said the Monday riders don’t ride in the rain]

Cheers Whispers.