Woke up – looked out the rear window – fog half-way down the escarpment – can’t be good and I was busting to go for a ride – anyway, it wasn’t raining, so what the heck, I’ll give it a try – can always turn back. Still early, so the Coast Road and N.P. should be the go.
With the weather being pretty crappy and school holidays still on the Coast Road was a breeze and N.P. was a typical ‘Dakar’ traffic less happenstance – couldn’t believe it, even the traffic lights going up the hill on McKell Ave., were green – life is good!
Got to the Ampol servo at Heathcote, no one else had fronted up and looked like it was just going to be a ride with my bestie – accordingly, made some mental alternate ride plans. This proved to be in vain, as just as I was about to progress Steve & Gail rocked up on their Porsche powered H.D. V-Rod.

Now where to go, as my imagined plans wouldn’t serve – they suggested Shellcove for coffee, which suited me. So off we went down the OPH, Mt Keira and the M1, with hardly any fog of any note.
Had a very pleasant interlude there – they decided to continue their journey south and I slabbed it home. The weather stayed kind the whole trip and it was a great pity there was just the three of us on what turned out to be a relatively decent day.
Gerry Bloemen
# 1309