A fine morning with pleasant temperatures forecast for today’s coffee ride. Nine riders milling around waiting for a ride leader. Red (me) offered to lead and the destination chosen was Jamberoo as I hadn’t been there for a month.
Photos for the group were taken and just before departure Dave arrived on the 1200RS. So 10 riders departed Ampol headed for Jamberoo Via the RNP, OPH,Picton Road, Mount Keira, M1 then the Fowlers Road exit, Marshall Mount Road, Escarpment Drive and Jamberoo Road arriving at Jamberoo with 9 as Dave left us on Picton Road. Not even halfway today.
While almost everyone reading this will be very familiar with this route as we do it often, today was one of those days when there were absolutely no holdups anywhere. Clear run the whole way with the group only getting separated once on Mount Keira Road by traffic lights but we were soon reunited.

Gerry had errands to run and left us after MT with the remaining 8 heading home via Saddleback, Swamp Road, off the highway at Five Islands Road where Rob and Shane left the group, Mount Kembla then OPH to Heathcote for goodbyes. We lost Rick along the way but regained Shane on the OPH so 6 rides made it back to Heathcote. Again no traffic on the return. The weather was as forecast so it was a very enjoyable ride. Thanks to all for sharing it with me and to TEC Smoko.
Cheers, Red