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10th June 2024: Coffee Ride

On a clear sunny Monday of a long week-end we arrived at Loftus Oval to discover the parking area full of cars with the little darlings for a soccer match. We had words with one mother who demanded we move the bikes out of there so she could park her car there, needless to say her demands were in vain.

Starters for today were Perry, Andy, Martin and whispers. Because of the recent storms we wanted to avoid western roads because of potholes so the OPH south was our choice. Shell cove was chosen because being a tourist location it would be open on the Kings Birthday holiday.

Leaving the car park we were passed by the first blue light then parked on the median strip at Heathcote was another radar car. A good clear run to Shell Cove where breakfast and coffee were consumed. Return ride the same way before the traffic build up, saw a 2 wheel blue light and another blue light on the median strip at Waterfall and another 2 wheeler at Heathcote with another parked on the side opposite Engadine Station. The money earned in fines would pay for the overtime worked. Sadly no criminals were arrested today because all available officers were allocated traffic duty.

Grey clouds were starting to gather but we arrived home safely by 12.30.

Cheers Whispers.