Weather forecast from 6 am: rain, rain, rain, when in fact, sunshine, sunshine, sunshine welcomed the day.
Bob, Russel, Whispers, and a welcome back ride for Glen Smith, who has had medical problems for some time.
We planned to keep it short just in case the forecast had some validity, so the OPH down Bulli, back to Austinmere for breaky. Sitting in the sun with our nourishment, we admired the view out to sea with no rain in sight. Time to return via Helensburgh and the OPH just in case.
Good-byes at Heathcote; home still dry.
A collection will be held at our next meeting to raise funds to install windows at the BOM. Specsavers have tendered to supply spectacles to the employees.
Chris Bowen has also offered to supply a wind farm to blow the rain away.
Cheers, John “Whispers” Warren