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10th August 2024: The Oaks

It’s one of those gorgeous winter days in Sydney. Not too cold…. but still the thermals are a nice first layer.
There are only three of us today – I’m guessing because Schafe’s Oberon ride has been away this week.
So…the three Musketeers. Athos Porthos and Aramis ride today to save Paris from the Olympic breakdance crazy stuff. Breakdance as an Olympic sport? Seriously. And THAT breakdance. Good grief, D’Artagnan.
I digress.
Peter, Drew and Roger and today’s riders. No corner markers necessary.

It is an unusual venture today as we head down Heathcote Rd and through the ever-growing port at Holsworthy to Glenfield. We then turn south down Canterbury Rd towards Macquarie Fields until we eventually turn north west and emerge at the Hoxton Park Catholic Club.
That part of the ride is worth doing just to see the extent of new residential and industrial areas. Mind blowing. AND I remember Hoxton Park airfield being here not THAT long ago.
No, Margot, I’m not that old. Oh…well…maybe I am. I do remember inkwells in the school desks and fetching coke for the classroom heaters.
Mon dieu.
Onto Greendale Rd to Wallacia and then to Silverdale Rd to Glen’s bakery at the Oaks.
That’s just under 2 hours ride and covering everything from Sydney Saturday traffic to the ever-pleasant pastures around Wallacia.

So – stories are swapped over coffee and brunch. Box-cutter Monkey, not content with smashing his knee and his face recently, tried to remove the top of his thumb…..with a box-cutter. Ouch Pete!
Drew explained how his pannier came open on a previous ride spilling 2 pairs of gloves and other equipment out never to be seen again.

Feeling satiated, the three Musketeers ride on. “All for one and one for all” I pronounce into my UHF radio. But, yes, neither of my fellow Musketeers has a UHF so it’s all for nought really.

Home via Douglas Park and Appin with farewells at Heathcote.
A 280km trip in 18 degree relative warmth. Can’t complain about that.
Thanks for your company today, Drew and Pete.