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1st March 2025: Trunkey Creek

1st March 2025: Trunkey Creek
1st March 2025: Trunkey Creek

An early (7:30am) start, warm weather and the promise of a long ride might have kept some away, but 4 of us were keen: Gorilla, Lucky, Mark Ansell and myself.

We headed down OPH, Mtt Ousley, Marshall Mount and up Macquarie Pass for a brief stop in Robertson. Then continued via Bundanoon to the Wingello Village Store for morning tea. Up to now it was surprisingly (and refreshingly) cool, with a 35°C forecast for later.

1st March 2025: Trunkey Creek
1st March 2025: Trunkey Creek

After a coffee and bacon-and-egg roll it was off via Bungonia and Gundary to Goulburn. We took the lesser known Range Rd to Crookwell. Great scenery, very little traffic and some nice wooden bridges along the way. A fuel stop at Crookwell and then on the way again to the Black Stump Hotel at Trunkey Creek for lunch. In the meantime it had warmed up a lot, but nothing we couldn’t handle.

After lunch back via Crookwell, quick fuel top-up for some and a run on the Hume to Wilton. The usual way back home from there.

All up over 650km from meeting place back to Heathcote. Great day, great roads, great company. Thanks lads.
